Happy Monday, Blogger peeps! Hope your weekend was groovy…
So despite contracting the evil flu and being bedridden the entire week, Supa started feeling dupa sometime around last Friday afternoon. Halle-fucking-lujah!
Never mind I had a temp of 103…Real killer was, all week I was limited to my crackhead couture (old sweats and a tee), and that right there warranted a depression all its own. Nothing, I mean nada, puts a damper in this chick's steez more than being sick. 'Cause there's no energy to get up and put on cute outfits. See? Tragedy.
Wonder if I took ill because my house has been looking like this:
Yeah. Renovations, and there's shit everywhere. But yo, I won't complain (too much); at the end of it all I'll have a new pimped out fireplace, recessed lighting in the living room, shiny new hardwood floors upstairs and in the loft. It's just that I've come to accept that when a contractor informs you the job will take five days, that really means, like twenty-six. Just..need...to keep that in mind. Yeah.
Got out and about on Saturday. I had to shop. Had to. There's no way I could return to work after a five day lapse without flossing some new gear. Just..not possible. Single Mom, stop looking at me like that. I didn't spend the electric bill money. Supa simply engaged in some basic fashionista grooming – a much-needed brow wax, and MAC eyelash falsies ‘cause she wanted to feel a lil’ glam on account of her impending re-entry into the work force. Okay, and she made some miscellaneous entry-level feel good purchases. They were basically things she almost absolutely needed. (cute hobo bag, jewelry, outfits for the RR’s) Almost.
Enough about shopping. On to my next favorite thing. Have ya'll seen the commercials for this?It's a new product line for women, called Elexa: "A premium line of sexual well-being products created from a women's perspective and designed to help you realize a more fulfilling sex life." Well all right! So of course, Supa jumped online to see what they were peddling...and as it turns out, all kinds of good shit! Condoms, intimacy gel, freshening cloths, and some kind of vibrating ring thingie.
Now..Supa read the description for the ring, and still couldn't really figure out how the damn thing works. Apparently said ring has some kind of light on it, too. Anyone? Anyone? Could you feedback with a sista with instructions, experiences, comments? Much appreciated. Oh, and ladies, there's also some pretty decent orgasm info on the website, and you can also join Club Elexa, and get a dollar off on your next purchase. Hoes! Not for real, not for real! I already signed up.
Which regrettably reminds Supa, that Supa 'aint had none in awhile. She and her DITJ's schedule's have been conflicting lately. Yeah. Tragedy. All of which is inspiring my next article, Sex and the Divorcee'.....
So...The Ruff Ryder’s are doing just fine. We all had a cool low key kinda weekend, equal parts work (chores/general housekeeping) and play (goofing around the house, shopping). Lately Supa has been stealing sideways glances at The Boy (as he’s hunched over his laptop of course), wondering when he became such a tall, sinewy, good-looking fellow. Gotta watch him, ya know. At sixteen, he’s at “that age.” Good kid though, delightful boy actually; certified genius, madd perceptive, critical thinker, appropriately sarcastic, minor-league smartass. Makes Supa proud, though Lord knows he’s had his moments. He’s what they call a late bloomer, computer geek, ‘aint checkin for the girls too hard just yet. Oh, but they’re checking for his behind, trust and believe. Little sluts. Don’t worry, Supa and The Fam are on top of it…
The Girl’s latest adventure consists of horrifying me with her bodily functions, precisely burping and farting. Gets a great kick out of sitting next to me, then releasing the most toxic, rancid, venomous farts known to humankind, and then bolts away, laughing her ass off. Who knew a self-professed mini-diva could be so rank. Note to self: Get The Girl some colon cleanser.
Tidbits: Saw Fiona Apple's new video "Not About Love"- very cool. Different. I like that chic.
Also caught Damian's new video for On the Road To Zion, featuring Nas.
Two definite cuties right there. Supa would get with that Marley boy, long as he trimmed some of that stuff on his face....Yeah Jr. Gong, I'd shampoo ya locs....Damn, I miss Jamaica!
Working on my Constant Gardener movie review, and my essay of course. Countdown time! Will be posting a survey real soon, need some stats for research, will be eternally grateful for your participation..
There’s more, but I’ll continue later, will spare you a ridiculously long post.
Until then. Supa, out!
Jaimie: Hope you feel better soon!! Just rest. Take care!
Supa: Two things. . .
1. My friend (well ex) Slick Rick told me he used that 'ring-a-thing' on some girl. He ended up having to cut her loose, cuz she was sprung and stalking him. That may or may not have been a coincidence, because I know Rick, and I know why she would have been SPRUNG. Best foreplay of all time. That combination thereof might have just had her mixed up.
2. Another good web site for women is http://www.the-clitoris.com
P - So, Good D + Ring Thing = Sista Sprung? Hmmmm....
Uhh, please tell me what the ring DOES???
Always so unbelievably productive. Maybe I'll get some kids...seems like they'd help keep my a$$ on top of the schedule...LOL!
Yeah, I was wondering about your take on the "Constant Gardner" flick. That movie was tight! I'm curious to your essay.
CG - Huh! Yeah, it must be the kids...'cause when left to my own devices I don't do shit. :)
Don't Push Me - Review coming this week. Good flic, but depressed the hell outta me.
QQn @ Supa wit da evil eye.
*thinkin* she aint hafta call me out like dat!! LOL
Girl Imma have to start reading your blog from home cuz I see it aint no tellin wut Imma run into. It'll be just my luck the powers that be pick TODAY at 13:12 EST to run a scan on my computer and find that I clicked on a link to "ELEXA." LOL
BBL when I get home!
LMAO @ minor-league smartass...I wonder where the heck he GOT THAT FROM? Hmm....any takers?
LMAO @ "the girl" and her bodily functions...let me say this, she will NOT outgrow it! She may tone it down over the years, but this is somthing she will NEVER let go of...being the FULL BLOWN Princess Diva Witch that I am, I knows ALL about funny bodily functions...I only share them with those I love the most! HAHAHA...Betta watch out P...you next!
Supa I just wanted to say what's up. My computer of 3 yrs crashed on me last week so I stop by the library here and there. I move into my new house in June once it's finished so I guess I'll just wait to get another one. I really enjoy what you have to say lady--you're on point!
Too much to comment on....Damian gurl you know his chicks love that length for play reasons LOL!!
Hey Brotha Z - Was wondering what happened to you! Computer crash - yikes. Bad news. Hope u backed up all ya stuff!!
Mwabi - His chicks? Well damn..how can I be down??!? lol
Glad to hear you're back to normal. I avoid anybody with the sniffles like the plague. I thank God I haven't been sick in years. BTW, a flyy girl STILL looks flyy in old sweats and a tee. Check me out on cleaning day and I'll swear I'm still hot ta deaf!
LOL @ "pimped out fireplace." I can't wait to see pics of the finished room(s).
Girl, when I first read your post, I started shaking my head at the "had to shop" part (lol), but then I thought about it. Appearance on the [stealin your term] C.S.S. is a necessity, so basic fashionista grooming is a minimum requirement. Plus I can't talk when I just bought a new Liz bag and matching pumps. I swear, they were callin my name! And I looked good today too...well, at least until Ole Gurl brought her pooch to work! But I digress. LMAO @ "I didn't spend the electric bill money." Now I woulda had to get ya fo dat!!
*secretly bookmarking the Elexa website*
LOL @ da Ruff Ryders. Your son looks so studious and handsome. Babygirl is doing things I thought only boys got a kick out of. LOL
Don't sleep on the facial hair. It serves a purpose. Trust! *wink*
Whew, ok! Gurl next time, divide yo shyt into multiple posts (lol)! You had a lot to say and I wanted to comment on it ALL. We could have a whole conversation from this one post. LOL
I glad to see that you are feeling good enough to be up and about!
I saw the commercials for that Elexa and I went to the website to (smile). I have no info on the ring thingy!
I cannot get those false lashes to work. I know its operator error, because lawd knows I don’t know what I’m doing with them, LOL.
@ SingleMa - See! I knew you were going to tsk tsk me when I mentioned the shopping, that's why I called u out. :) No, but really though. You are correct. Being on point at the C.S.S. is mandatory. And, OKAY ladies - what ya'll mean, "don't sleep on the facial hair?" I can't think of anything that I would ENJOY with alla that facial hair!! I'ze sensitive...enlighten me... :)
PS - Not an actual photo of The Boy, click on the Ruff Ryders link to see his big head, he doesn't "do" photos. I'll try cut down on the loquaciousness.(sp?) Break up the posts next time.
@ Nic - I have to have the eyelashes applied, i can't do it myself. But they look so pretty! I want to learn how to self-apply. :)
Well it depends on the texture of the hair. If it's soft, imagine extra...umm...sensation. But if it's like a brillo pad, then...ewww...neva mind. LOL
I avoid Jamaica like its a boat and my name is Cinque. I know if I go I aint coming back. Same goes for PR, DR and Cuba. Man! They just don't make em here like they do in the islands.
Um, do let me know if you need any supporting testimony for the Sex and the Divorcee article, yes, ma'am. Now, er uh, excuse me while I ZIP to that elexa site.
Now, see, I don't like the way they just ASSUME everybody is into these characters they have on that elexa sign-up form (yeah, I signed up...hehehe). It asks who my sensual side is best portrayed as--Olivia from Law & Order, Grace from Will & Grace, Charlotte or Samantha from Sex & the City, Katherine Hepburn or Raquel Welch??? For one thing, it's obvious they are NOT remotely targeting sistas with this mess. (duh) For another thing, the only one of those shows I've ever watched is Law & Order. Maybe I'm "different," but, uh, I Olivia's sensuality ain't something I'm really interested in honing in on.
Other than that ignance, I like the site tho.
I missed the quiz..will check it out!
Nah, it was on the sign-up form for Club Elexa!
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