Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Author Bebe Moore Campbell, Dead at 56

Man. Got home, checked email, and wasn't ready for this one! Bebe Moore Campbell was a favorite in this household, my mom loved her work, and my auntie just finished 72 hour hold. 56 years old? So sad, but she lived passionately and blessed us with her talent. Prayers to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved her via her writing.

don't be afraid your life will end
be afraid it will never begin

Live large and wide, Blogger Fam...


Anonymous said...

RIP Miss Campbell. She was not only an exquisite writer but her activism on behalf of mental illness awareness was inspiring.

onefromphilly said...

Wow, she was one of my favorites. I bought "What You Owe Me" a few years ago, forgot and packed it in a box. I pulled it out and finished it just last month.

Is Maia Campbell from "In The House" her daughter?

Jameil said...

i got to work and saw moore campbell obit and hers was the first name to pop in my head but i said no way. that's crazy. brain cancer. at least she lived ya know? that's comforting to me.

P said...

I found out from my "MySpace" bulletin.

I said to hell with my space shut that down and went online immediately to see if it were true. Sadly, it was, and I was impacted.

I have read all of her books. Every one of them. If you look on my "Favorite Books" Section, two of her books on on there.

She is more than an urban contemporary writer. Her writing is eloquent, fluid, and engaging. One of my favorites as well. I will miss her.

Sidebar: I'm kind of interested to know what will become of her daughter now. Don't quote me, but I would bet the farm that 72 hour hold was based on Maia.

Anonymous said...

It seems we've lost a lot of great people in the past month...Gerald Levert, Ed Bradley, Bebe Moore Campbell... it makes me think about two things.

One - Being more aware of our health, regardless of our age. Gerald was only 40. As African Americans we have SOOO many health risks, yet we don't always have the access to necessary health care. Even when we do, we often don't take our health seriously - unless we start losing it.

Two - We need more people of color to make a difference in the world the way that these people have. It makes me more cognizant of supporting others who are "doin' their thang" and the need to step up my resolve to do mine.

Miz JJ said...

She was a real talent. I especially loved her non-fiction work. She wrote a piece once that really touched me. R.I.P Ms. Campbell.

Anonymous said...

Her talent is definitely appreciated. R.I.P.