Monday, February 02, 2009


Boys and Girls, Supa has been hanging out in the internet crack alley. She hopes to shake the habit soon and get back to blogging and such. Until then....


Anonymous said...

Hey Supa, saw your comment and thank you soooo much!! You know how much that means to me don't cha??? Miss ya chica and come on out and play a lil bit more won't you?

I swear I must be the only fool on this planet that doesn't have a facebook account. I gotta catch up on technology. I didn't have a Myspace either, or that twitter stuff neither, sigh.


Crack is wack Supa Sister. Come back to us and leave those suckers in a puddle.

Supa said...

@ Bunny: I miss you too! Will promise to try to come out and play more! :) Hugs to you!!

@Asshole Boyfriend: Hey, I just dumped an asshole boyfriend. Welcome!

Tam said...

Just found your blog, love it!!! Will definitely be back for more!!!

Anonymous said...

crack is whack- and you're back!

Anonymous said...

And THIS is the future of our America......It's sad.