Why so many damn luncheons, you ask? Well 'cause Supa Sister is some sorta mid-level bigwig for a highly touted governmental agency, and we've got all these different sections and divisions and Bureaus and whatnot to fellowship with, plus we all know the soiled reputation we guv'ment workers toil under - that we're basically civil servant slobs who don't do shit, and if that's the case, then we especially don't do shit around the holidays...Guess my retort or argument should go (here)
So. Supa Sister will go and eat and laugh at people wearing ridiculous santa hats and fake-network and look fabulous in her gold strappy sandals and see if she can win any prizes. And another thing... it's been kinda strange since Supa Sister's uh, cough*overindulgence*cough at the last holiday function. People Supa Sister doesn't know or care to know are speaking to her and sending her emails as if they and Supa Sister are old buddies or something. Folks moseying all into her office striking up idiotic conversations while Supa Sister has a what the fuck? look smeared all over her face...
Hmmm...did word get out that Supa Sister is a loud friendly lush who will speak to anyone once properly inebriated? I asked my rowdy drinking co-workers if anything went down of which Supa Sister was not aware, and they assured me that I didn't kiss anyone, get caught in an uncompromising position in the custodial closet or profess some kind of drunken crush on an undesirable or anything like that.
Yet they say this with a smirk I still don't quite understand...
OMG...the bit about everyone speaking to you now that you got tore up at the company function is SOOOOO realistic. It's happened to me before. I think they think negras are tight-asses who can't let our hair down. So, when we do, they instantly feel like our best buddis - particularly when we go down that drunken, alch-y road with them. Hey, I always say: Debauchery loves company.
And how many camera phones were there at the party SS? Yeah...
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