Monday, May 14, 2007

Holy Shit, Man...

Dude. The Soprano's...Oh, Christophur!

As RR#2 would say - OMG!

I must say, it's almost disturbing how much emotional investment I have in this motley crew of totally fictional muthafuckas...but the writing, acting, and production on this series is phenomenal. These sociopaths are my guilty viewing pleasure.

Only 3 episodes left..So what's gonna happen to Tony Soprano?? (hit up the new poll!)


African girl, American world said...

LOL! You're the only person I know that watches the show religiously! The husband used to but he fell off!

Did I tell you that you got me hooked on Big Love and Nip/Tuck??? That is some good tv right there!

Anonymous said...

Girl I ain't even got no premium channels anymore. Comcast is the damn debil with these outrageous, sky high prices. So it's either pay the mortgage or pay the damn cable bill but I just read last night on Television without pity that Chrissy is dead, holy crap!!

Anonymous said...

I was sooo messed up on the episode.....Tony has become too ruthless and a tad bit sloppy and how filthy was that--hittin' Chrissy's side

onefromphilly said...

I had to laugh at..."I must say, it's almost disturbing how much emotional investment I have in this motley crew of totally fictional muthafuckas"

Well since we've put in this much time with this crew we have to see it through!!
I think that Phill Leotard is gonna pop Tony. Or maybe in some strange twist one of his own crew is going to get him. It might even be AJ...hhhhmmmmmm. But one way or the other somebody is gonnas pop Tony!!

mrpunchcar said...

tony's going to hell - quick. didn't expect christopher to die, especially after the week before. that's what makes the show the shiznit. but tony's REALLY been unraveling the last few weeks...

Supa said...

@ Mwabs: Yeah, I've been a Soprano's fiend since day's the writing...the themes, the archetypes, symbolism, humor, mental/social illness, the music - everything! And we'll have MUCH to talk about in JUNE when Big Love returns.

@ Bunny: I hear ya! lol. I miss the bootleg days when one could get hooked up for free...but yeah, Chrissy is not only dead - TONY KILLED HIM!

@ MsDegrate: Okaaay- that episode stayed with me for days. Just like the one in which Adrianna was killed.

@ OneFromPhilly: Yep, so we ALL CAUGHT UP. lol In some strange way, I want Carmela to pop him!

@Punchcar: What up, fool? Where u been hidin? :) I think Tony's "unraveling" is merely him embracing his baser, truer self - the cold blooded, narcissitic fuck he is.

And he couldn't WAIT to screw Chrissy's pretty little Vegas side -piece!

Anonymous said...

Oh shit Tony is one cold, heartless, mofo. Dang man he killed my Christaphaaaa. I think that bastard is gonna off his damn self!!! Crazy sick azz nut job, just crazy!!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, so glad to see you doing you. Love the look of the lounge it looks so calming and peaceful. I'm gonna need to take a break once I get mini me off to college in August and I graduate. I'm kinda scared cause I dont know what my next move will be, I'm thinking I'll be more deligent on working on the physical me. You know get the ass in shape. I'll continue to pray for a profitable lounge for you.

Supa said...

Hey T! Yay on your graduation & getting mini-you off to COLLEGE! So wonderful. Here's to you getting the opportunity to work on you. :)

thx for the love!

Anonymous said...

there's one possibility you missed.

Nothing. He just goes on, being the worthless hunk of sociopathic crap he is, hanging out with the same bunch of stupid murderous retards as ever, and whining to his shrink about all his miserable nonsense.